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Alex’s Legacy

Alex’s Legacy

Posted by Intelligent Parrots, Parrot Behaviour, Dot Schwarz on 9/1/2024

Dot Schwarz tells us more about one of the most intelligent Parrots of all time, Alex.For lots of toys to help keep your clever Parrot occupied please click here. Alex (1976 – 6 September 2007) was an … read more
Stick Training Parrots

Stick Training Parrots

Posted by train your Parrot, stick training, how to stick train, positive reinforcement training, Parrot training on 9/1/2024

Barbara Heidenreich explains how stick training works. I recently had the pleasure of watching the results of some great positive reinforcement training with a Cockatoo.The Parrot in question unfortu … read more
Help, My Parrot Wont Step Up

Help, My Parrot Wont Step Up

Posted by Parrot Training, Parrot Tricks, Step Up, Positive Reinforcement on 9/1/2024

Barbara Heidenreich explains how to teach your Parrot to step up.It has been reiterated for years in the companion Parrot literature…your Parrot must obey the step up command! Obey and command.WordsFo … read more
Recipe Ideas By Pollys Natural Teas

Recipe Ideas By Pollys Natural Teas

Posted by Parrot Food Ideas, Parrot Diet, Parrot Recipies on 9/1/2024

Here are tasty recipe ideas from Polly's you can cook for your Parrot, all nutritious and easy to prepare. … read more
5 Ways You Could Be Ruining Your Birds Day

5 Ways You Could Be Ruining Your Birds Day

Posted by you could be ruining your bird’s day, bird behaviour, Parrot behaviour, tips for owning a Parrot on 9/1/2024

Lafeber explain how you could be ruining your bird’s dayWhile we all want the best for our feathered friends, sometimes we get so wrapped up in our day-to-day routines that we overlook the things that … read more