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5 Easy Tips For Solving Parrot Behaviour Problems

5 Easy Tips For Solving Parrot Behaviour Problems

Posted by Parrot Behaviour, Parrot Behaviour Tips, Parrot Behaviour Problems, Parrot Training, Parrot Bonding on 9/1/2024

Barbara Heidenreich explains how to solve Parrot behaviour problems.Solving Behaviour Problems: Help! My bird is driving me crazy!Parrots can provide us with great joy in our lives. However, at times … read more
How To Prepare Your Parrot For Holidays

How To Prepare Your Parrot For Holidays

Posted by Preparing for Holidays, Travelling with Parrots, Parrot Boarding on 9/1/2024

Elaine Henley explains how to help your Parrot prepare for holidays.Elaine Henley is registered as a Clinical Animal Behaviourist with the Animal Behaviour and Training Council and a full member of th … read more
Keeping Your Parrot Safe by Observing the Five Freedoms

Keeping Your Parrot Safe by Observing the Five Freedoms

Posted by Parrot Safety, Five Freedoms, What are the Five Freedoms, Parrot Ownership on 9/1/2024

Dot Schwarz tells us what the five freedoms mean as a Parrot owner.What’s your priority as a Parrot carer? For most of us it’s not will they talk, love us, be colourful or breed valuable babies – it … read more
Managing Mess in Parrots

Managing Mess in Parrots

Posted by manage mess in Parrots, cleaning tips for Parrots, how to keep Parrots clean, taking care of Parrots on 9/1/2024

Barbara Heidenreich explains how to manage mess in Parrots.ZookeeperOnce a zookeeper, always a zookeeper. I admit I was trained well. When I started my career in zoos back in 1990 I worked for the bes … read more
Celebrate Your African Grey On African Grey Day

Celebrate Your African Grey On African Grey Day

Posted by African Grey, African Grey Day, African Grey Facts, Parrot Days on 9/1/2024

Find out more about African Grey Day.African Greys are one of the most popular Parrot species we keep as companion Parrots, so it’s only right that we celebrate these wonderful birds with their own sp … read more