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Spring Behaviour in Parrots

Spring Behaviour in Parrots

Posted by Spring Behaviour, Parrot Behaviour, Parrot Hormones, Spring Behaviour Signs, Spring Behaviour Symptoms on 9/1/2024

Liz Wilson tells us more about spring behaviour in Parrots.As the hours of daylight start to increase in the early spring, life becomes chaotic for companion Parrot behaviour consultants, and we are i … read more
Overbonding And Parrots

Overbonding And Parrots

Posted by Parrot Bonding, Prevent Overbonding, Parrot Behaviour, Bonding Advice on 9/1/2024

Dot Schwarz looks at how Parrots bond and what you can do to prevent overbonding in her latest blog.Most Parrots who live with us are now born in captivity – pet animals. But they are genetically stil … read more
Alexandrine Parakeet Fact Sheet

Alexandrine Parakeet Fact Sheet

Posted by Alexandrine Parakeet Facts, Parakeet Facts, Parrot facts, what to feed an Alexandrine Parakeet on 9/1/2024

Rosemary Low explains more about the Alexandrine Parakeet in her fact sheet.Scientific namePsittacula eupatriaOrnithological nameGreater Rose-ringed ParakeetFor everything you need for your Alexandrin … read more
Trends In Parrot Husbandry

Trends In Parrot Husbandry

Posted by Parrot Husbandry, Parrot Trends, Parrot keeping, on 9/1/2024

Much older Parrot keepers can remember when a round cage, a sprinkle of sunflower seeds and no time out of cage was considered satisfactory avian husbandry. Now in every aspect relevant to bird car … read more
The Importance of Flight

The Importance of Flight

Posted by Flying Parrots, Why is Flying Important, Parrot Health, Parrot Safety, Parrot Behaviour, Wing Clipping on 9/1/2024

Dot Schwarz explains about the importance of flight.Is there an ideal way to care for captive Parrots? Is Parrot husbandry a science, or an art which relies on science to develop the best methods and … read more