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From Weaning To Growing Up

From Weaning To Growing Up

Posted by Weaning, Baby Parrots, Chicks on 25/1/2024

Dot Schwarz tells us more about weaning your Parrot.Weaning I ended my last blog with the words: The chick is now fully feathered and staggering towards you for what is probably his only formula feed … read more
Hamish The African Grey By Malcolm Welshman

Hamish The African Grey By Malcolm Welshman

Posted by Hamish The African Grey, African Greys, African Grey Parrot on 25/1/2024

Read this funny story about Hamish the African Grey.When I strode into reception, I was greeted by two sets of beady eyes, both of which stared intently at me. One was grey-green, fronted by spectacle … read more
Christmas Eve By Malcolm Welshman

Christmas Eve By Malcolm Welshman

Posted by Christmas Eve By Malcolm Welshman on 25/1/2024

Read this funny story called Christmas Eve by Malcolm Welshman.When the phone rang on Christmas morning, the voice at the end of the line had a thick, Scottish accent and was full of doom and gloom. N … read more
Parrots Who Cannot Wait To Do As You Ask

Parrots Who Cannot Wait To Do As You Ask

Posted by Training Parrot to Wait, Parrot Training on 25/1/2024

Barbara Heidenreich explains what to do if your Parrot can’t wait to do as you ask.Joker the Yellow-naped Amazon Parrot made me proud today. As mentioned in an earlier blog, both Joker and Jackson t … read more