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Feather Plucking Psychological Factors Part 2 of 2

Feather Plucking Psychological Factors Part 2 of 2

Posted by feather plucking on 25/1/2024

Liz Wilson explains more about the causes of feather plucking.As explained in my last column (Feather Destruction - Environmental Factors - Part I of II), Feather Destructive Behaviours (FDB) or feath … read more
Aggro With Aggie By Malcolm Welshman

Aggro With Aggie By Malcolm Welshman

Posted by Aggro With Aggie, Parrot Books on 25/1/2024

Read this story named Aggro with Aggie.Are you much of a Parrot man?’ barked David Drummond.‘I have treated the odd Parrot or two,’ I managed to say.‘There’s nothing odd about my Scarlet Macaw, I can … read more
Get To Know The Wild Side Of Your Pet Parrot

Get To Know The Wild Side Of Your Pet Parrot

Posted by Wild, Wild Parrots, Parrots in the wild on 25/1/2024

Having a Parrot as a pet is pretty special. Because so many families have dogs and cats as companions, many people are very familiar with the behaviour of these animals. But Parrots are a bit differen … read more
Enrichment More Than Just Parrot Toys

Enrichment More Than Just Parrot Toys

Posted by Enrichment – More Than Just Parrot Toys on 25/1/2024

I love the word “enriching.” Everything about it just sounds glorious. It seems to suggest being immersed in bountiful fun. Who can say “no” to that? Certainly not the animals in my household!Activiti … read more
Go Birding Day

Go Birding Day

Posted by Go Birding Day on 25/1/2024

Find out more about Go Birding Day.How many of us have been lucky enough to go and watch wild birds in their natural habitat? I suspect many of us dream of going on such a trip but never get the oppor … read more