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A Commitment to Kakapo - Working with Parrot Conservation

A Commitment to Kakapo - Working with Parrot Conservation

Posted by Kakapo Recovery Program, training wild birds, training Parrots on 24/1/2024

I am currently in New Zealand working with the Kakapo Recovery Program once again. Sirocco is doing fine and is happily roaming his own Island.This time the focus is on this year’s chicks that are li … read more
Who's Your Daddy Parrot Parents

Who's Your Daddy Parrot Parents

Posted by parent raised birds, human raised birds, training Parrots on 24/1/2024

Barbara Heidenreich explains more about Parrot parents.I think I found my favourite quote for 2009 already. Here it is “Maybe if more people had a duck in their life…we wouldn’t be so mad at each ot … read more
Think Parrots 2019 Review

Think Parrots 2019 Review

Posted by Parrot show, think Parrots 2019, bird show on 24/1/2024

Dot Schwarz reviews Think Parrots 2019.There are three sides to Think Parrots. Imagine an equilateral triangle – captioned – A Superb Day Out. One side is commercial, one side is educational and t … read more
Thinking On The Wing Part 2

Thinking On The Wing Part 2

Posted by why Parrots need to fly, Parrots and flight on 24/1/2024

Here is why Parrots need to fly.To read part one of this article please click here.There are six main areas where flight is important to a Parrot…SightThe pea sized visual cortex in a human is … read more