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Is It A Boy or Girl

Is It A Boy or Girl

Posted by Parrot Sexing, How to Tell Parrot Sex on 9/1/2024

The importance of knowing the sex of your Parrot and whether they are a boy or girlMany years ago, I adopted a tiny motherless kitten. The vet for whom I worked said the mite was a female, so I named … read more
The Importance of Hideaways To Parrots

The Importance of Hideaways To Parrots

Posted by Parrot Hideaways, Why are Hideaways Important, Parrot Care, Parrot Safety on 9/1/2024

Here’s why hideaways are important for Parrots.With their bright colours, charming characters and playful intellect it can be easy to forget that pet birds and companion Parrots are prey animals. By t … read more
Harness Training Pros and Cons

Harness Training Pros and Cons

Posted by Harness training-pros and cons, Harness training for Parrots, training your Parrot, Parrot training on 9/1/2024

Dot Schwarz explains more about harness training your Parrot.The use of a harness on pet Parrots to take them out of doors is still unusual. Is the training difficult? That’s a question like how long … read more
Urban Jungle Parrots

Urban Jungle Parrots

Posted by Parrots of Stuttgart, Urban Jungle Parrots on 9/1/2024

Elaine Henley tells us more about the Parrots of Stuttgart.Elaine Henley P.G. Dip CABCFull Member Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors (APBC)Animal Behaviour Training Council (ABTC) Registered Cli … read more
How To Stop Your Parrot From Biting – PART 1

How To Stop Your Parrot From Biting – PART 1

Posted by Parrot Biting, Stop Parrots Biting, Why Parrots Bite, Parrot Behaviour on 9/1/2024

Liz Wilson tells us how to stop your Parrot from biting.One of the most common complaints we Parrot behaviour consultants hear are complaints about problem aggression and biting.Generally speaking, ag … read more