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Celebrate Macaw Day With Us

Celebrate Macaw Day With Us

Posted by Macaw Parrots, Macaw Day, Parrot Days, Macaw Facts on 9/1/2024

Military, Blue and Yellow, Green-Winged, Scarlet, Hyacinth…there are so many species of Macaw and we’re going to be celebrating them all on our Northern Parrots Macaw Day on July 18th.This month it’s … read more
Parrots and Stress Bars

Parrots and Stress Bars

Posted by Parrot Stress, Parrot Stress Bars, Parrot Stress Advice, Parrots Losing Feathers, Managing Parrot Stress on 9/1/2024

Here is advice on Parrots and stress bars.It is raining feathers in my house. I am so excited to report that Blu Lu the Blue-throated Macaw from the Bird Endowment is moulting. That may seem like a si … read more
Help - My Bird Bites By Dot Schwarz | Stop Your Parrot Biting

Help - My Bird Bites By Dot Schwarz | Stop Your Parrot Biting

Posted by Parrot is biting, how to stop your Parrot biting, what to do if your Parrot bites on 9/1/2024

Dot Schwarz explains what to do if your bird bites.Yes, they can bite. One of Casper Grey’s party tricks is opening a can of Coke. Artha my other Grey is 15. She’s never bitten anyone. I believe this … read more
Seeds Vs Pellets

Seeds Vs Pellets

Posted by Seeds, Pellets, Seeds or Pellets, Parrot Health, Parrot Diet on 9/1/2024

Dot Schwarz has kindly written this article about seeds vs pellets and which is best to feed your Parrot.A question to which hobby owners would all answer yes: ‘Do you want to give your bird the best … read more
Alternative Foodstuffs Our Parrots Love To Eat

Alternative Foodstuffs Our Parrots Love To Eat

Posted by Parrot Diet, Parrot Foods, Alternative Parrot Foods, Parrot Nutrition, Parrot Treats, Unusual Foods for Parrots on 9/1/2024

Find out more about alternative foodstuffs Parrots like eating. Over the years my wife April and I have worked with quite a few psittacines that were also “picky” eaters. Sometimes it would take month … read more