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Parrot Rescues

Parrot Rescues

Posted by Parrot adoption centres, rehoming Parrots, Parrot rescues on 9/1/2024

Liz Wilson tells us more about Parrot rescues.With the Parrot’s long potential life span, everyone in the Parrot world needs to confront the question of where a psittacine bird should go when it can n … read more
Enrichment For Your Parrot

Enrichment For Your Parrot

Posted by Enrichment for your Parrot, bored Parrot, Parrot becoming bored, enriching your Parrot's life on 9/1/2024

Here is why your Parrot needs enrichment.For loads of enriching toys for your Parrot please click here.Enrichment is the catchphrase today for those concerned with the proper care of animals in our ca … read more
Thank You to Barrett Watson

Thank You to Barrett Watson

Posted by Thank you to Barrett Watson, Barrett Watson, testing Parrot toys, Parrot toys on 9/1/2024

It was a lovely sunny day here at NP HQ and we were all excited as we waited on the arrival of Barrett Watson, a highly respected Parrot breeder who many of you will have heard of or had the pleasure … read more
Training Tips And Parrot Bites | Training Parrots Not To Bite

Training Tips And Parrot Bites | Training Parrots Not To Bite

Posted by training your Parrot, teaching your Parrot not to bite, training tips for your Parrot, how to train a Parrot not to bite on 9/1/2024

Find out more about Parrot bites.As a proponent of positive reinforcement training, one of my goals is to avoiding doing anything that creates the situation in which a Parrot may be inclined to bite.C … read more
Northern Parrots Handy Feeding Guides

Northern Parrots Handy Feeding Guides

Posted by Feeding Guides, Parrot Feeding Plans, Parrot Diet, Parrot Nutrition, Parrot Species on 9/1/2024

Check out Northern Parrots feeding guides.One of the most common questions we get asked “what is the best food to feed my Parrot?” The simple answer is that no one food is best for all Parrot species. … read more