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Parrot Intelligence Part 4

Parrot Intelligence Part 4

Posted by Parrot Intelligence, Parrot Behaviour, Parrot Cognition, Clever Parrots on 9/1/2024

Dot Schwarz tells us more about Parrot intelligence.Has your Parrot recently done or said something so unusual that you are puzzled and bewildered by the apparent cleverness. Here’s an example some ti … read more
Does My Parrot Need A Companion?

Does My Parrot Need A Companion?

Posted by Parrot Companion, Owning Multiple Parrots, Socialising Parrots, Buying Another Parrot on 9/1/2024

Rosemary Low tells us whether your Parrot needs a companion or not.A very common question is “I think my Parrot wants a companion. Is this a good idea?”QuestionsIt is a difficult question to answer wi … read more
How Long Do Parrots Really Live

How Long Do Parrots Really Live

Posted by Parrot Life Expectancy, Parrot Facts, Parrot Lifespan on 9/1/2024

Rosemary Low tells us how long Parrots really live.FACTMany birdkeepers do not keep records pertaining to their birds.FACTMost birdkeepers have birds which are not ringed and without history.FACTMany … read more
Trends In Parrot Husbandry

Trends In Parrot Husbandry

Posted by Parrot Husbandry, Parrot Trends, Parrot keeping, on 9/1/2024

Much older Parrot keepers can remember when a round cage, a sprinkle of sunflower seeds and no time out of cage was considered satisfactory avian husbandry. Now in every aspect relevant to bird car … read more
The Importance of Flight

The Importance of Flight

Posted by Flying Parrots, Why is Flying Important, Parrot Health, Parrot Safety, Parrot Behaviour, Wing Clipping on 9/1/2024

Dot Schwarz explains about the importance of flight.Is there an ideal way to care for captive Parrots? Is Parrot husbandry a science, or an art which relies on science to develop the best methods and … read more