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Why Are Parrots So Clever

Why Are Parrots So Clever

Posted by Why are Parrots so clever, how a Parrot’s brain works, Parrot intelligence, why are Parrots smart, how are Parrots smart on 9/1/2024

Why are Parrots so clever? Dot Schwarz reveals how a Parrot’s brain works and what makes them so clever.Have you ever wondered how a Parrot with a walnut-sized brain can outperform a monkey with a bra … read more
Psittacosis What A Companion Parrot Owner Needs To Know

Psittacosis What A Companion Parrot Owner Needs To Know

Posted by Parrot Fever, Psittacosis, Psittacosis in Parrots, Psittacosis Risks, Psittacosis Treatment, Parrot Health on 9/1/2024

Dot Schwarz explains everything you need to know about psittacosis.Zoonosis is a lovely sounding word with a horrid meaning – an illness transmitted from animals to humans. Parrot fever known as psitt … read more
Why Do Parrots Moult

Why Do Parrots Moult

Posted by Parrot Moulting, Parrot Care, Parrot Moulting Advice, Parrot Feathers, Types of Feathers, How to Stop Parrot Moulting on 9/1/2024

Dot Schwarz explains why Parrots moult.Did you know that it is now assumed that some dinosaurs had feathers? This substantiates the view that birds evolved from prehistoric reptiles. Anyone who lives … read more
How To Keep Your Parrot The Right Temperature

How To Keep Your Parrot The Right Temperature

Posted by How to keep your Parrot the right temperature, Parrot health and safety, keep Parrot cool in summer, keep Parrot warm in winter on 9/1/2024

Here is how to keep your Parrot the right temperature.Not too hot, not too cold just RIGHT. Goldilock’s experience with the three bears’ porridge applies equally well to the temperature at which we k … read more
Are Parrots Messy

Are Parrots Messy

Posted by Are Parrots Messy, Messy Parrots, Messy Parrot Risks, Parrot Care, Parrot Health on 9/1/2024

Dot Schwarz reveals more about messy Parrots.Are Parrots the messiest pets in our homes? My answer would be yes, they are. My cats and dogs go outside to poop. Both dog’s and cat’s dinner bowls are so … read more