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Which Parrot Species Live Well Together?

Which Parrot Species Live Well Together?

Posted by introducing different Parrot species to one another, owning more than one Parrot, which Parrots can live together on 20/3/2019

Dot Schwarz tells us which Parrot species live well together.How many of us start off with one bird and end up with more? The greater majority I’d imagine. As many different types of Parrot owners exi … read more
My Life With Kakariki

My Life With Kakariki

Posted by Kakariki, Kakariki Diet, Kakariki Behaviour, Parrot Owners, Kakariki Advice on 29/9/2017

Dot Schwarz tells us about life with Kakariki.I’d never meant to add smaller birds into the aviary: It happened like this.A friend takes in unwanted birds – too many I sometimes think. He had a lone h … read more
What Does Your Bird's Poop Tell You?

What Does Your Bird's Poop Tell You?

Posted by Parrot Poop, What Parrot Poop Means on 17/3/2017

Dot Schwarz explains what studying your bird's poop can tell you.How To Understand The Health Of Your Parrot From Their PoopShould the study of Parrot poop be considered an art or a science (or a wast … read more
Feather Plucking - What Is It And How To Stop It?

Feather Plucking - What Is It And How To Stop It?

Posted by Feather Plucking, Feather Destructive Behaviour, Feather Loss, Preening and Picking on 3/5/2016

Dot Schwarz explains the medical, behavioural and environmental reasons that Parrots feather pluck, and what you can do to stop it.Feather Destructive BehaviourFeather plucking, also known as FDB (Fea … read more