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Dot Schwarzs Daily Life with Benni the Macaw

Dot Schwarzs Daily Life with Benni the Macaw

Posted by Benni, Macaws, Blue and Gold Macaw on 25/1/2024

Dot Schwarz tells us more about her life with Benni.Benni Macaw is six months old and has lived with our flock for five months. Here’s my second report of the ups and downs in his education. He’s teac … read more
Crate Training Your Parrot

Crate Training Your Parrot

Posted by crate training, crate training Parrots on 25/1/2024

Dot Schwarz explains about crate training your Parrot.Read more about training Parrots here. A friend recently asked why Perdy a ten year old Lesser Sulphur Cockatoo enters a crate easily.Here’s my re … read more
Think Parrots 2018 Review

Think Parrots 2018 Review

Posted by Think Parrots 2018 , Think Parrots, Parrot Show, Bird Show on 25/1/2024

Dot Schwarz reviews Think Parrots 2018.What is it about Think Parrots, the annual Parrot show sponsored by Northern Parrots and organised by Parrot Magazine? How do the organisers organise a sunny d … read more
Benni Takes to the Air

Benni Takes to the Air

Posted by Free flight, Parrot Flight, Flying Macaw, Parrot Harnesses on 25/1/2024

Do we admire birds so much because they can fly; I think so. My ambition for almost two decades now has been to have a free flier in my flock. I could not train Artha and Casper my Greys well eno … read more
Tolerating Other Peoples Views On Parrots

Tolerating Other Peoples Views On Parrots

Posted by Opinions on Parrots, Parrot Owner Advice, People's Views on Parrots on 25/1/2024

Dot Schwarz tells us how to tolerate other people’s views on Parrots.You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.Antoine de Saint-ExuperyNo caring, conscientious animal or bird lover wo … read more