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What CAN I Feed My Parrot? – Part 1

What CAN I Feed My Parrot? – Part 1

Posted by Parrot Food, Healthy Parrot Food, What Can my Parrot Eat, Parrot Nutrition on 9/1/2024

Liz Wilson tells us what you can feed your Parrot. This article was inspired by an excellent question posted on the Northern Parrot’s Q&A section regarding the confusion caused by British vs. Amer … read more
Choosing A Parrot Cage

Choosing A Parrot Cage

Posted by Parrot Cages, Types of Parrot Cage, Choosing a Parrot Cage, Parrot Cage Reviews on 9/1/2024

Here’s some advice on choosing a Parrot cage.There seems to be little discussion on the subject of cages, which is unfortunate. After all, the purchase of a cage is secondary in importance only to the … read more
Fireworks And Your Parrot

Fireworks And Your Parrot

Posted by Parrots and Fireworks, Parrot Fears, Parrot Stress, Parrot Safety on 31/10/2023

Liz Wilson has advice on helping your Parrot manage fireworks.This time of year in the UK, you encounter the same problem we Americans see on the 4th of July – when the explosions and bright lights of … read more
Which Parrot is Right for Me?

Which Parrot is Right for Me?

Posted by Pet Parrot, Buying a Parrot, Parrot Types, Pet Parrot Advice, Liz Wilson, Becoming a Parront on 6/8/2022

Which Parrot is Right for Me?For everything you need for your Parrot please click here.It should be stated from the outset that no stranger can tell you what kind of Parrot would work out best in your … read more
Choosing An Avian Vet

Choosing An Avian Vet

Posted by Avian Vets, Finding an Avian Vet, What to Look for in a Vet on 1/7/2018

Here is advice on finding an avian vet.As I answer questions for this wonderful website’s Parrot Q&A I find myself constantly emphasizing the importance of having one’s pet bird checked out yearly by … read more