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Toilet Training Your Parrot

Toilet Training Your Parrot

Posted by Parrot Toilet Training, Bird Toilet Training, on 5/6/2013

Thank you to Liz Wilson for providing this article with tips and advice on toilet training your Parrot.We have all heard the joke about the Parrot owner who goes to a psychic. The young man was totall … read more
Old Wives Tales You Hear About Parrots Part 1

Old Wives Tales You Hear About Parrots Part 1

Posted by Old Wives Tales, Parrot Tales, Parrot Myths, Parrot Facts on 5/3/2013

Here are Old Wives’ Tales you need to know about Parrots.If everyone knew all they should about birds, it would be a (more) Perfect World, in my opinion – and this article would not be necessary. How … read more
How to Stop Screaming in Parrots

How to Stop Screaming in Parrots

Posted by Parrots, Parrot Screaming, Stop Parrot Screaming on 13/8/2012

Liz Wilson explains how to stop your Parrot from screaming.Naturally NoisyIn the world of Parrots, there are certain species of birds that are famous for the level of racket they can produce. Generall … read more
Important Stuff to Teach Baby Parrots

Important Stuff to Teach Baby Parrots

Posted by Baby Parrots, Baby Parrot Advice, Baby Parrot Facts, Baby Parrot Care, Baby Parrot Training on 25/6/2012

Liz Wilson tells us everything you need to know about baby Parrots.So you’ve decided you want to get a Parrot. You think they are beautiful and you know they can talk, and loveliest of all, you don’t … read more