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Slow And Steady | Converting A Parrot To Pellets

Slow And Steady | Converting A Parrot To Pellets

Posted by how to convert a Parrot to pellets, feeding your Parrot on 25/1/2024

Laurie Hess explains how to convert your Parrot to pellets. By Dr. Laurie Hess, DVM, Diplomate ABVP (Avian Practice)Converting your bird from an unhealthy, high-fat, all-seed diet to a nutritionally … read more
Simple Tips For Looking After Your Parrot

Simple Tips For Looking After Your Parrot

Posted by simple tips for looking after your Parrot, caring for a Parrot, how to look after your Parrot on 25/1/2024

Here are a few useful tips from Bucktons to help you look after your Parrot, particularly during the warmer summer months. Would you like to share any more tips?Tip 1Make sure that the cage you have … read more
Celebrate Exotic Pet Awareness Day

Celebrate Exotic Pet Awareness Day

Posted by Exotic Pet Awareness Day on 25/1/2024

During the first fortnight in August, a special day takes place, Exotic Pet Awareness Day. Our Parrots are classed as exotic species, so we thought we’d get involved too for this year’s event on Frida … read more
Sick Birds At Home: First Aid

Sick Birds At Home: First Aid

Posted by Parrot First Aid, Caring for Your Parrot, Sick Parrots on 25/1/2024

 Tariq Abou-Zahr of Valley Vets provides helpful information on how you can help your sick bird should they require any first aid at home before you’re able to get them to your avian veterinari … read more