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Pet Wellness

Pet Wellness

Posted by Parrot Wellness on 25/1/2024

Find out more about Pet Wellness.We should all be taking care of our feathered friends and their wellness / wellbeing. By pet wellness we mean two things. 1. Encouraging you to take your Parrot to … read more
Show Your Parrot How Much You Love Them on Love Your Pet Day

Show Your Parrot How Much You Love Them on Love Your Pet Day

Posted by Love Your Pet Day, Parrot Treats, Parrot Perch, Love Your Parrot on 25/1/2024

How much do you love your Parrot? A lot we’d imagine and now’s the time to show it, as it’ll soon be Love Your Pet Day on February 20th.The exact origins of the day are unknown, but our guess is it wa … read more
Pet Appreciation Week

Pet Appreciation Week

Posted by Parrot Appreciation on 25/1/2024

Do you love your Parrot? Of course you do. Well Pet Appreciation Week is the time to show it even more than you might do normally.We’ve just started Pet Appreciation Week, as it always takes place i … read more
Get Involved In Our Caique Parrot Day Celebrations

Get Involved In Our Caique Parrot Day Celebrations

Posted by Caique Parrot Day, Caiques, Caique Parrot on 25/1/2024

It’s the middle of the month, so it’s time to celebrate another of our favourite Parrot species. This time it’s the Caique. We're marking Caique Parrot Day on December 16th. Once again we're collabora … read more