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Help – My Parrot Is Overweight

Help – My Parrot Is Overweight

Posted by Parrot Obesity, Overweight Parrots, Parrot Diet, Parrot Advice, Parrot Health on 9/1/2024

Here is what to do if your Parrot is overweight.Parrots are not naturally fat. They have evolved to be light boned and able to fly. Wild Parrots need often to fly distances to forage their foods; they … read more
Meyers And Senegals Feeding Guide

Meyers And Senegals Feeding Guide

Posted by Meyer Parrots, Senegal Parrots, Feeding Guide, Meyer Parrot Diet, Senegal Parrot Diet, Parrot Nutrition, Parrot Feeding on 9/1/2024

Check out this Meyers and Senegal feeding guide.Keep your Meyer’s and Senegal’s diet as varied and interesting as possible. 60-80% of their diet needs to be complete or pelleted food, with the rest co … read more
Lovebird Feeding Guide

Lovebird Feeding Guide

Posted by Lovebirds, Feeding Guide, Lovebird Diet, Lovebird Nutrition on 9/1/2024

Find out more about Lovebird food with our Lovebird feeding guide.A Lovebird’s diet needs to be as mixed as possible. The base diet, approx 60-80%, should be pelleted or complete food, with the remain … read more
Large Macaw Feeding Guide

Large Macaw Feeding Guide

Posted by feeding your Large Macaw, what to feed a large macaw, feeding a macaw, feeding your parrot on 9/1/2024

Like all Parrots, your Large Macaw’s diet needs to be as varied as possible. Use a complete or pelleted food as a base diet, roughly 60-80%, then the remainder of their diet should be sprouting seed, … read more
Eclectus Parrot Feeding Guide

Eclectus Parrot Feeding Guide

Posted by feeding your Eclectus Parrot, Eclectus Parrot, feeding your Parrot, what to feed your Eclectus Parrot on 9/1/2024

Here is our Eclectus Parrot Feeding Guide.As much as possible, keep your Eclectus Parrot’s diet varied. 60-80% of their diet needs to be pellets or complete food, and the remainder consisting of fruit … read more