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Which Species Should I Choose?

Which Species Should I Choose?

Posted by Parrot Species, First Parrot, First Time Owner, Choosing a Parrot on 10/7/2012

Rosemary Low tells us which species you should choose.When you start with Parrots, don’t think big! Many first-time Parrot buyers start too ambitiously with birds that they literally cannot handle. S … read more
The One Person Bird | Why Parrots Need Multiple Attachments

The One Person Bird | Why Parrots Need Multiple Attachments

Posted by One Person Bird, Parrot Behaviour, Socialising Parrots on 8/6/2012

Liz Wilson explains why the common perceptions about our companion Parrots being a one person bird can actually be the cause of the problem. This article is filled with useful information covering are … read more