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Think Parrots 2017 Review

Think Parrots 2017 Review

Posted by Think Parrots 2017 review, Think Parrots, Parrot Show, Bird Show on 25/1/2024

Dot Schwarz reviews Think Parrots 2017.What’s the secret ingredient of the continued success of this event now in its 6th year? Not the amount of Parrot products sold and for non-commercial exhibito … read more
Think Parrots 2016 Review

Think Parrots 2016 Review

Posted by Think Parrots 2016, Think Parrots 2016 review, Parrot show, bird show on 25/1/2024

Here is Dot Schwarz’s review of Think Parrots 2016.Northern Parrots sponsored and Parrots Magazine organized the fifth Think Parrots show. It was held for the third time at Kempton Park on June 19th … read more
Think Parrots 2015 Review

Think Parrots 2015 Review

Posted by Think Parrots 2015 Review, Think Parrots, Parrot Show, Bird Show on 25/1/2024

If Aladdin had been a Parrot keeper, his cave could have been at Kempton Park on June 21 at the Think Parrots Show. Now in its fourth year, it is becoming an institution. Was it the June sunshine or … read more
The Third Animal Training Conference

The Third Animal Training Conference

Posted by Animal Training Conference, Third Animal Training Conference, Animal Training on 25/1/2024

Mike Simmons reviews the animal training conference. An early morning start with a 120 mile journey ahead and a weather forecast of thunder storms and showers was just the beginning of it. The birds … read more