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About Soaring Wings Training

About Soaring Wings Training

Posted by Free Flight, Soaring Wings Training, Training in Scotland, Parrot training and consultations on 22/1/2024

Find out more about Soaring Wings Training.If you’re looking for advice on free flight training or need assistance rehabilitating your Parrot then Soaring Wings Training could be for you.Although base … read more
About Animal Behaviourist Elaine Henley

About Animal Behaviourist Elaine Henley

Posted by About Elaine Henley, Animal Behaviorists, Parrot Behavior, Parrot Help, Parrot Advice on 19/1/2024

Can you tell us about yourself? I am a Clinical Animal Behaviourist who has been working with humans and their pets for well over 20 years. Along with my dogs and my human family, I live with two 2 Gr … read more
10 Ideas For The New Year of Training

10 Ideas For The New Year of Training

Posted by Parrot training, how to train your Parrot on 19/1/2024

Barbara Heidenreich has new year training ideas for you.Yeah, yeah, yeah. Everybody does the health and fitness resolution for the New Year. But animal people are different, aren’t we? Why break tra … read more
4 Ways To Use Foraging To Get Good Behaviour

4 Ways To Use Foraging To Get Good Behaviour

Posted by Parrot Behaviour, foraging in Parrots, foraging activities Parrots on 19/1/2024

Here are 4 ways to use foraging to get good behaviour.Foraging is often looked at as a fun way to provide enrichment for your Parrot. I am all about Parrots having fun, but I am also very interested … read more
Advice On Harness Training

Advice On Harness Training

Posted by Advice on harness training for Parrots, harness training Parrots, how to train a Parrot, teaching your Parrot to fly on 9/1/2024

Dot Schwarz has advice on harness training.The many visitors to Think Parrots this year who had their Parrots on a harness were frequently asked by other visitors. ‘How do you train that? Is it easy? … read more