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Scale Training Your Parrot By Barbara Heidenreich

Scale Training Your Parrot By Barbara Heidenreich

Posted by Scale Training, Parrot Training on 25/1/2024

Barbara Heidenreich explains how to do scale training. Ideally, you want to weigh your bird about once a week. This will give you a very good idea of what is normal for your Parrot. If your bird los … read more
Tips to Support Your Parrot After Lockdown

Tips to Support Your Parrot After Lockdown

Posted by Lockdown, Parrot Advice, Parrot Tips, Parrot Routine on 25/1/2024

Here are our top tips to help your Parrot after lockdown.Our Parrots have got used to us being around during lockdown, but now we’re out and about more and going back to work etc, it’s a big chang … read more
Benni Takes to the Air

Benni Takes to the Air

Posted by Free flight, Parrot Flight, Flying Macaw, Parrot Harnesses on 25/1/2024

Do we admire birds so much because they can fly; I think so. My ambition for almost two decades now has been to have a free flier in my flock. I could not train Artha and Casper my Greys well eno … read more
Three Tricks Your Budgie Can Do

Three Tricks Your Budgie Can Do

Posted by training your Budgie, training your Parrot, Parrot training, train Parrot to do tricks on 24/1/2024

Lafeber explain how to teach your Budgie tricks.SocializationOur small companion birds do some things naturally that are quite entertaining. Anytime you spend with your bird, interacting together, i … read more
Training Benni the Macaw

Training Benni the Macaw

Posted by Macaw training, Parrot training, training your Macaw on 24/1/2024

If Benni is to have the freedom of the skies, recall training is essential. During our evening sessions, Benni has mastered the recall. He’ll fly from my arm and back to a designated perch. The rewa … read more